Stock-related news sentiment analyzer
based on artificial intelligence
Created for individual investors who are investing in U.S. stocks and
looking for a powerful prediction service based on AI
Enhance your decisions and
boost your portfolio returns
Find new ideas for investing
Looking for short-term investing ideas? Our AI picks up ideas based on stock-news sentiments and your risk-tolerance
Keep track of portfolio's sentiment
Set up your portfolio and launch our AI to monitor news sentiments to keep you up to date
Discuss sentiments and predictions
Discuss news and chat about what's happening with the community
Use data for a technical analysis
We provide processed data by our algorithm to third-parties as a signal for technical analysis
You will definitely like it.
And that's why
  • Trained on historical data
    We are training our AI on millions of the U.S. stock-related
    news for the last 15 years.
  • Complex algorithm
    We are using data of stock Price, semantics, financial statements, dividends, risk-tolerance
  • Prove of sentiment
    Each signal is proved by news with highlighted words and
    phrases which make the sentiment
  • Instant notifications
    Add notifications (mobile app, email) to sentiments so you never miss the trend
Фотографии и тексты использованы для демонстрации возможностей шаблона сайта, пожалуйста, не используйте их в коммерческих целях.